Kelebihan tayar tanpa tiub


Berbanding dengan tradisionaltayar, tubeless tayar have the following advantages due to their structure:

1. Kebocoran udara yang perlahan dan keselamatan yang tinggi
Tayar tiub tanpa bocor perlahan setelah dicucuk, dan masih boleh dipacu ke titik pembaikan untuk diperbaiki; setelah tiub dalaman tayar biasa ditembus oleh benda asing, ia dengan cepat mengisi udara antara tiub dalam dan tiub luar, dan tayar akan kempis atau pecah seketika. janin.
2. Pelesapan haba yang baik dan jangka hayat yang panjang
Tanpa tiubtayar do not have inner tubes and pads, which effectively reduces the friction and heat generation between the inner tube of the tayar and the inner cavity of the tayar. The internal air is in direct contact with the rim, and the heat can also be directly dissipated through the rim, and the tayar temperature will not be too high. It can reduce punctures and extend the service life of tayar;
3. Pengurangan berat badan dan penggunaan bahan bakar
Oleh kerana pengurangan tiub dalam dan tali pinggang bantal, beratnyatayar is reduced, and the lock ring of the spare parts of the rim is also reduced, and the weight is further reduced. The entayar tayar can be replaced by a tubeless tayar, which can be hundreds of kilograms lighter. Tubeless tayar have less driving resistance and can save 3% of fuel. The reduction in driving weight and fuel consumption is an extra profit for truck drivers.
4. Tahan aus, sesuai untuk pemanduan berkelajuan tinggi jarak jauh
In addition, tubeless tayar are more wear-resistant and have better dynamic balance performance, and driving comfort can also be improved, so they are more suitable for long-distance, high-speed and long-term driving.
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